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Guidelines to Author


Guidelines to Author

All authors are hereby informed that the paper once accepted cannot be withdrawn at any condition. The Publishing Team of ASR & DTI. suggest you to not to submit same article to the multiple journals simultaneously. This may create a problem for you. Please wait for review report, which will take a maximum period of 07 to 15 days.

Review Process :

All research papers submitted to Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal are reviewed by reviewers , editor and members of the editorial board. Decisions on the manuscripts will be taken as rapidly as possible.

Manuscript submission :

The work which is neither published before nor under consideration for publication anywhere else can be submitted for publication to this journal. The publication must be approved by co-workers and authorities wherever applicable. The publisher shall not be held legally responsible for any claims for compensation, if arise.

Online submission :

Authors are required to submit their manuscripts online. They can upload their manuscript files as per instructions given on the website.


Authors wishing to reproduce any figure, table or text of another source are required to obtain permission from the copyright owner(s). Such permission evidence should be included while submitting the research article to this journal.

Types of manuscripts :

  • Full length research papers : Full length research papers : These research papers should not contain more than 08-10 type written pages including figures, tables and references.
  • Short communications : These communications should not contain more than 04-06 type written pages including figures, tables and references.
  • Case studies : These case studies should not contain more than 06-08 type written pages including abstract, keywords, figures, tables and references.

Preparation of manuscript :

Manuscript submitted to Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal should be structured in the following manner.
Title page : It should include

  • Concise and informative title (Size 14 in Times New Roman, Words- No exceeding 40) .
  • Name(s) of the author(s) represented by superscripts with affiliation and addresses of all author(s).
  • Example:Indu A. Georgea , Bindu S. Mauryaa and Ramjan M. Mulanib
    a) Department of Life Science, University of Mumbai, Santacruz (E), Mumbai 400098.
    b) Department of Botany, Seth LU and MV College, Andheri (E), Mumbai 416 810.
    The email address, telephone and fax numbers of the corresponding author should be given.


The abstract should not contain more than 200 words for a full length paper and 100 words for a short communication. Also, the abstract should not contain any undefined abbreviations. The text should be in Times New Roman type with 12 font.


Please provide 4-5 keywords which can be used for indexing purpose.


For full length papers, text should be divided into following sections Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results , Discussion , Acknowledgements and References (Use normal plain font of 10-point Times New Roman for text). Automatic page numbering should be used. For short communication, there should not be any heading except Abstract, Keywords, Acknowledgements and References.


Acknowledgements of people for any technical assistance and funding agencies for financial support should be in separate section before references. The names of funding agencies should be given in full.


Only works actually cited in the text should be included in the references. Reference list should be alphabetized in the last names of the first author of each research paper.

Journal article

Kumar, R. , Sharma, K., and Agarwal, V. ( 2005) In vitro clonal propagation of Holarrhena antidysentrica (L) Wall. through nodal explants from mature trees. In vitro Cell Dev Biol -Plant. 41, pp.137-144


Naik, V.N. (1998) Flora of Marathwada, Vol.I , Amrut Publication, Aurangabad, India

Dissertation/thesis :

Zore, G. B.(2005) Pharmacological studies of Taverniera cuneifolia (Roth) Arn.; a substitute for commercial liquorice. Ph. D. Thesis in Biotechnology. Faculty of Science, Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded (MS) India.

Journal article on internet

Dwiwedi, R. S. (2004) Un-nurtured and untapped super sweet non-sacchariferous plant species in India. Available online athttp://www.ias.ac.in/currsci/jun10/articles 19.htm

Conference proceedings

Zore, G.B., Kulkarni, S.S, Surwase, B.,S., Meshram, Nisha and S. Mohan Karuppayil (2006) Quality control of commercial liquorice samples by chemical finger printing. Proceedings of National Conference on Bioactive compounds; New frontiers and therapeutic usage ( BCNFTO), held at School of Life Sciences, SRTM University,Nanded. Feb 12-14; pp 213-224.

Book Chapter :

Webpage :

Figures and tables :


Tables numbered using Arabic numerals should be given on separate page at the end of manuscript.

Figures :

  • Each figure should be given in separate file..
  • All figures should be cited in the text in consecutive numerical order.
  • Figure parts must be denoted by lowercase letters ( a, b, c…. etc)
  • Each figure should have concise and informative caption.
  • The captions for the figures should be placed at the end of the text in the manuscript file.

Copyright transfer :

After acceptance of the research article, it is necessary for authors to transfer copyright to the publisher.

Online Publishing Fee

After acceptance of the research article, it is necessary for authors to transfer copyright to the publisher.

Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal :

provides quality publishing platform for research scholars. All the papers are published after successful peer review by qualified researchers. Publishing fee covers expenses but not limited to editorial cost, composition cost, electronic management cost and administrative costs. Moreover, we are providing research paper publishing in minimum available cost.

Online Publication Fee Amount
Publication Fee For India 1100/- each author (every paper)
Publication Fee For Foreigners USD 200- for each paper (excluding bank transfer charges)

  • You should be sent publication fee deposited information by an email to the Editor-in-Chief.
  • The original receipt should be kept with you as proof of payment to ASR&DTI.
  • All the submitted papers will be published only after successful payment of publishing fee.
  • Paper should be submitted in ASR&DTI. guidelines to author format.

How to Pay:

Online Fund Transfer / Internet Banking / Cash:

Account Name: Online Research Book Publication, Account Type: Current Account, Account No – 3407963594, IFS Code – CBIN0284419 CENTRAL BANK OF INDIA (CBI) Retail Asset Barnch Rab Amravati Ground Floor, White Gold Palace, Sahkar Nagar, New Cotton Market Road, Amravati-444601, State-Maharashtra, Country-India
